Kamis, 10 Juni 2010
pa yang dimaksud dengan Human Resources Information System (HRIS)?
The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. An HRIS need not be complex or even computerized. HRIS can be as informal as the payroll records and time cards of a small business, or as extensive and formal as the computerized human resource databases of major manufacturers, banks, and governments.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Job Costing?
Accumulation of costs by specific jobs, contracts, or orders. This costing method is appropriate when direct costs can be identified with specific units of production. Where does the budget come from? The budget is nothing more than the "estimate" that was created by the estimator when this marvelous visionary calculated the expected costs for the job, line by line, phase by phase, from start to finish, for the job.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Payroll?
program Absensi ( Attendance ) dan Penggajian ( Payroll ) yang dikembangkan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan pencatatan kehadiran dan penggajian dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan sesuai dengan ketentuan DEPNAKER.Jamsostek dan menunjang keberhasilan perusahaan. Untuk itu profesional dalam bidang HRD/Payroll dituntut mampu melaksanakan proses administrasi penggajian mulai dari pemahaman terhadap konsep penggajian, proses perhitungan dan pembuatan laporan penggajian.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Reengineering?
Reengineering (or re-engineering) is the radical redesign of an organization's processes, especially its business processes. Rather than organizing a firm into functional specialties (like production, accounting, marketing, etc.).The application of technology and management science to the modification of existing systems, organizations, processes, and products in order to make them more effective, efficient, and responsive. Responsiveness is a critical need for organizations in industry and elsewhere.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Worker Productivity?
Worker productivity is an important economic measure. Economists have long agreed that increased productivity is the principal factor leading to increased living standards for the overall population. As workers become more efficient at producing output, they can be compensated accordingly.Labor costs rose by 2.1 percent in the final three months of the year, after having fallen by 1.9 percent in the third quarter and 1.1 percent in the second quarter.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Downsizing?
Computing: Adapting mainframe computer based software to a desktop or personal computer (PC) based architecture, without too many compromises in system integrity, security, and control.
Management: Intentional reduction in the size of a workforce at all staffing levels,
Management: Intentional reduction in the size of a workforce at all staffing levels,
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Financial Instruments?
A Financial Instrument is usually classed as a document (although they may come in other formats, such as verbal agreements) that has a direct monetary value or the power to create monetary value at a later date.Under the broad heading of a financial instrument, some would be classified as cash
Dalam managing change sebuah perusahaan, dikenal ada istilah yang namanya dys functional human behavior. Jelaskan apa maksudnya!
On-the-bubble human behavior is the mirror opposite of achievement behavior. Achievement is a process of moving up the ladder of responsibility for one’s behavior, moving from achievement to partnership, commitment, optimism and responsibility. On-the-bubble behavior, on the other hand, moves an employee down a treacherous slope from fence-sitting to avoidance, hostility, contempt and irresponsibility.
And, where achievement is expressed through the positive paths of service,Dysfunctional Human Resources In this continuing, true HR story, I was planning to tell you about our move to a beautiful, brand new office building in Markham, Ontario, but I will update you on a few things first.
Jelaskan gambaran hubungan yang ideal di masa depan, antara Accounting, IT dan Business Solutions!
Business finance and accounting is not the same thing. Accounting is concerned with financial record
keeping, the production of periodic reports, statements and analyses, and the dissemination of information to
managers and, to some extent, to investors and the world outside the business. It is also much involved with
the quality, relevance, and timeliness of its information output.
keeping, the production of periodic reports, statements and analyses, and the dissemination of information to
managers and, to some extent, to investors and the world outside the business. It is also much involved with
the quality, relevance, and timeliness of its information output.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Stovepipe Mentality?
Government On-Line (GOL) in Canada has focused primarily on leveraging interdepartmental and cross-jurisdictional collaboration to provide services in a client-centric manner. The interdepartmental silos have thus been collapsed out of necessity,This scenario is an example of the stovepipe mentality that often exists within the same silo. In a building where I worked as a technical assistance specialist in DC, we piled obsolete computer hardware in to two wheeled carts and headed down to the basement level to find our way to the obscure loading lock that sufficed for several clustered buildings and the tenants therein. One of the ground floor tenants is an upscale restaurant on the corner of our block.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Executive Information System (EIS)?
Not a piece of hardware or software, but an infrastructure thatsupplies to a firm's executives the up-to-the-minute operationaldata, gathered and sifted from various databases. The typicalinformation mix presented to the executive may include financialinformation,Executive information systems combine internal organizational information with data from external sources. The emphasis of executive information systems is on supporting strategic decision
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?
ERP, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning, is principally an integration of business management practices. Evolving out of the manufacturing industry, ERP implies the use of packaged software rather than proprietary software written by or for one customer
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Cash Management Policy?
Management teams and boardrooms around the world have woken up to the fact that in today’s economic turmoil,This policy shall apply to the General Court of Justice as defined in Article IV of the North Carolina Constitution, the public school administrative units, and the community colleges with respect to the receipt, deposit, and disbursement of moneys required by law to be deposited with the State Treasurer and with respect to moneys made available to them for expenditure by warrants drawn on the State Treasurer
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Conversion Business Process?
The use of check conversion - also known as an Accounts Receivable Entry (ARC), Point of Purchase (POP), or Back Office Conversion (BOC) in banking terms - is among the fastest growing types of ACH applications due to its enormous benefits.The method of the present invention allows for different types of billing information to be sent to different entities around the world in a global telecommunications network. It ensures that the correct information is eventually routed to the correct entity, so that proper billing can be performed.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Human Resources Information System (HRIS)?
berlangganan My perangkat lunak Danijel Solusi online untuk Artikel pemasukan (entri) data, data pelacakan dan Jaksa kebutuhan Informasi USING departemen HRD / SDM, penggajian, Manajemen dan Jaksa Fungsi Akuntansi Aktiva pajak dan menyusun sistem pemrosesan data dalam serangkaian langkah-langkah yang terstandarisasi dan terangkum dalam aplikasi perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan/enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Dalam flow of resources-manufacturing process, jelaskan perbedaan antara Work in Process dengan Finished Goods!
Work-in-process (WIP) is made up of all the materials, parts (components), assemblies, and subassemblies that are being processed or are waiting to be processed within the system. This generally includes all material—from raw material that has been released for initial processing up to material that has been completely processed and is awaiting final inspectTo make matters even more complicated, companies producing items under a long-term contract would use an account entitled Construction in Process.
Your question points out the need for caution and complete understanding of what the communicator intends. Remember that the sender of a message might not realize that there are important differences between slightly different terms.ion and acceptance before inclusion in finished goods.
Your question points out the need for caution and complete understanding of what the communicator intends. Remember that the sender of a message might not realize that there are important differences between slightly different terms.ion and acceptance before inclusion in finished goods.
What is business event driven IT application architecture?
In an event-driven architecture, a notable thing hap-
pens inside or outside your business.declarative environment for developing event processing applications to improve the effectiveness of your business operations. Oracle CEP can process multiple event streams to detect patterns and trends at real time and provide enterprises the necessary visibility via Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM) to capitalize on emerging opportunities or mitigate developing risks.
pens inside or outside your business.declarative environment for developing event processing applications to improve the effectiveness of your business operations. Oracle CEP can process multiple event streams to detect patterns and trends at real time and provide enterprises the necessary visibility via Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM) to capitalize on emerging opportunities or mitigate developing risks.
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